Tuesday, May 12, 2009

where's your fruit?

so this is my first post, ever. i've never done any sort of blogging, so forgive me if i begin to ramble.

recently, God has been trying to get ahold of me, but i havent been doing my part in letting Him. last night, God used a friend of mine to speak to me. we talked for quite some time but the point he was trying to get at was simply this; they will recognize you by your fruit (Matt. 7:16). he reminded me of a the story in Mark where Jesus saw a fig tree in the distance that looked amazing. when He got closer to it, He found that there was no fruit on it (Mark 11:12-14).

last night i realized that that was a perfect picture of my life. ive been a follower of Christ since i was seven years old. i can play the part oh so well. too well at times. so many times i find myself putting on a show, seeming to have it together in the distance, but when closely examined, i am empty. fruitless. the Bible says that the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23). these things werent evident in my life because Christ was not put in His rightful place; the throne of my heart. when Christ is fixed at the center of your life, the fruit of the spirit will automatically being to show in your life.

i know that this was the condition of my heart, but i dont think im alone. i think it happens more times than most of us are aware of. take the time to search yourself. search the scripture. allow God to reveal Himself to you. i promise you will not be dissappointed.

Matthew 7:16 - you'll recognize them by their fruit.


1 comment:

  1. What's crazy is that we don't realize that we produce the type of fruit that we allow to be fed. What I mean is that what we use to feed our spirit, our spiritual fertilizer if you will, will determine the type of fruit that we yield. If we fertilize our spirit with nasty things, inappropriate things, or just straight up things that contradict Jesus, then we will begin to yield those same things in our lives.
